Friday, June 12, 2009

Follow Friday


So Twitter has a Follow Friday where u just suggest friends for ppl to follow, in a sense (so you can have more followers) lol. So I decided to do a Follow Friday on my blog, Va$htie anyone who knows a little about the industry may of heard her name before. She's a director (she directed "Letter to BIG") and many other videos. She was recently with Def Jam as well and before leaving she had her own project the video for "Us placers" with Pharrell, Kanye, and Lupe. I know Va$h for her style she's one of my #1 girls. She has that east coast vibe and tomboy kick and she expresses it through her clothing, and jewelry. If I could describe it I'd just say she DGAF from her pricey LV pieces matched with her thift store vintage garments...It's PRICELESS. Her blog is random ridiculous as well I try to check it as much as possible cause she is constantly posting funny, wierd pictures she encounters on a day to day basis just living the life in NY.

Since this is a fashion site, yes she does have her own clothing line Violette which represents her tomboy edge, but for the ladies. Its her version of fashion made for the individual that likes to rock both the baggy grunge with a girl twist which to me is Va$htie.

1 comment:

  1. I highly agree, she's real dope && I respect her craft, its original..
